backorder domain name


Domainer would like to introduce to the domain investor community with a few free basic tools to help you navigate the Australian domain name landscape.

DBR Domain Brokerage has funded this project for the community to bring you these free tools to help you watch, buy and keep track of Australian domain names. This initial release is the first version, with more powerful domain name tools being added over the rest of the year.

Over one thousand Australian domain names are ‘dropped’ every day, meaning, they’re ‘liberated’ or ‘released’ from their current owners and are made available to be reregistered again by new owners. Dozen of names are reregistered every day, either by winning bids on drop catcher auction platforms or by hand-registration.

Backorder has been developed so you can now see exactly which domain names are reregistered on the domain drop auctions or by hand-registration, every day, for any date. You can view this information by following the steps below.

Note: We archive every dropped domain, every day, so you can always view what happened on the daily ‘drops’ for as far back as you like.

Register to use Backorder.

Simply visit and click on the REGISTER button. It’s FREE.

It’s a good idea to Register on because… You have the ability to ‘watch’ domains in your account, indefinitely and forever. As long as you’re logged in, any domain you’re ‘watching’ will appear in your watchlist. The watchlist gives you a few days notice in advance of when a domain name is about to become available on the daily drops, week after week, year after year, going forward, forever.

How many domain names were reregistered today?

If you want to view all of today’s reregistered domain names (that means, domains that were ‘caught’ on the ‘the drops’ as well as names that were hand-registered again), simply wait until a few hours have passed after the drop auction on that particular day, and then follow these steps;

Step 1: Make sure the DATE is set to today’s date (or any date in the past that you choose).
Step 2: Click on the REGISTERED button and hit GO.

You will now see EVERY domain name that was reregistered today.

Note: you can also enter any day from the past that you like, and ALL the domains that were reregistered on that particular day will be displayed. This includes domains bought from drop catcher platforms AND domains that were hand-registered too.

Colour Meanings: Red means the domain name is currently registered (before the drop) or has been reregistered (after the drop). Green means the name is available to hand-register and has ‘dropped’ and become freely available for anyone to use.

Look into the Future: Here’s a pro tip. If you’d like to see the domains that are dropping ‘tomorrow’, simply put tomorrow’s date in the top date field and you will be able to see tomorrow’s drop list even before the drop catchers announce or publish them!

How can I check if someone has another extension of my domain?

Direct .AU Registrations are about to be implemented by auDA, so it’s a good idea to check if anyone else has your exact match domain name in another extension, like or

Simply click on DOMAIN TOOLS and then AVAILABILITY CHECKER to see where you stand.

Stay tuned for more great, free features coming to over the next few months.

Domainer will be sure to post new features added to Backorder as they happen to ensure your daily Australian domaining experience remains easy, fun and transparent.

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