Vale Peter Tonoli

As auDA have reported, Domainer shares the internet community’s shock and sadness at the news of Peter Tonoli’s sudden death last week, and express our deepest condolences to Peter’s family and many friends.

Domainer was fortunate enough to discuss Peter’s passionate views in regards to Australian domain names during this August 2018 video interview.

Peter’s funeral will be at 10am, 24 March 2020 at the Immaculate Conception Church in Hawthorn, Victoria. 

Electronic Frontiers Australia have stated: “We are humbled that, in lieu of flowers, the family are asking for people to donate to EFA. In his passing we will honour this request from his family. Peter wanted the foundation of digital rights in Australia to stay solid, for people to keep doing the work, and for all of us to move forward in solidarity as a community. 

Donations can be made through our website. You can also add your tribute to Peter.”

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