domainer show episode 4 nikki scholes peter tonoli cmwg auda august 6 2018

Domainer Show – Episode 4

Watch Episode 4 by clicking play above. Listen to Episode 4 in your car or headphones by clicking play below. In this week’s episode, Rob and Ed talk with Nikki Scholes ( and Peter Tonoli (, who are working group members of the CMWG (Consultation Model Working Group). auDA states that the CMWG was formed to:
develop a model of consultation that ensures all auDA members and wider stakeholders of the .au namespace have a chance to provide feedback on the constitutional changes auDA needs to make to meet the Australian Government’s new Terms of Endorsement. The working group consists of representatives from around Australia from both city and rural areas and includes auDA Demand and Supply Members, small business owners and other industry experts.
On Monday 6th August, the CMWG are holding a second important working group in Melbourne at 5pm at La Trobe University Campus. auDA have more information here. For those that can’t make it in person, you can REGISTER TO ATTEND ONLINE. Robert runs and Ed runs  

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