Today, auDA released the following statement on their official twitter account;

If Australian businesses were trying to read or find auDA Policies, it wasn’t possible. We found earlier today (screenshot below) the following error message was occurring;

Yep. it was an ordinary tweet and not good enough. They aren’t just like any other company with a website. They are supposed to be a tech company (given their want to run the .au DNS) and we are supposed to trust that they know what they are doing. I expect an explanation and ownership here. However, given auDA’s sketchy transparency record, despite auDA 2.0 ( RE: Cameron Boardman “resignation”), I won’t hold my breath. Do better auDA.
Due to a fault in a telecommunication network operator’s network used at the data centre where the auDA web server is located, some users experienced performance issues with the auDA website for about 90 minutes yesterday afternoon. We therefore alerted stakeholders via social media how to get in touch with any urgent enquiries while the website was intermittently inaccessible, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. There was no impact to DNS services. Prior to this incident, we had already initiated work to mitigate against similar issues affecting the website, which will be completed in the coming weeks.
Clayton Ford – Head of Corporate Affairs, auDA
auDA has more important concerns like adding the new board photos to their website.