tpp wholesale bad complaint domain

TPP Wholesale is DEAD

And if not dead, then surely on its last few breaths. This is due to their poor quality service, the one to two-week response times to get any serious problems resolved, the three weeks it takes them to realise they lost a domain name, and the sheer number of premium and customer domain names that they are incompetently losing on a seemingly week-after-week basis. But even worse than that. Domainer has been contacted by customers stating that TPP Wholesale are renewing domain names that have been transferred OFF their service, to another completely different service, and then STILL BILLING THE CUSTOMER FOR IT. What is this called, when you BILL someone, take their money, but aren’t actually supplying any product or service? Here is my own personal example of how broken the whole TPP Wholesale system is. Five days ago, they sent me this automated email stating my domain name was about to expire in 5 days. tpp wholesale lost my domain Today, five days later, their system sent me the following message. tpp wholesale scam overcharge However, when you perform a WHOIS on my domain name, it clearly shows I moved the domain name a long time ago to Synergy Wholesale. nz synergy wholesale This is happening with hundreds of domain names in my account. That are no longer with TPP Wholesale. I am lead to believe it is happening for many other TPP Wholesale clients also and has been happening for years. I have been told by domain investors that if I leave my RENEW DOMAIN button turned ON, TPP Wholesale would have still TAKEN MY MONEY without actually providing me any domain name or service. Domainer has been told that TPP then keep this money, unless someone complains. But, more often than not, people don’t! Now, there’s an extremely easy way to see and prove if TPP Wholesale are billing customers for money, when the domain name isn’t even on their platform. As you saw above, my domain name is currently stored over at Synergy Wholesale. Synergy have NOTHING to do with TPP Wholesale. As you also saw above, TPP wrote me an email today that stated:
You can still renew your domain name … follow the links to “Renew Domains”.
And that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I’m going to attempt to RENEW a domain name with TPP that they have NO RIGHT in renewing. Please give me one minute to see if their system still BILLS ME and PRETENDS to renew the domain name, when renewing the domain name is impossible, because it is NOT on their system… … [ time passes ] … and then… BOOM! The system took my money, even though it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to renew my domain name?! TPP Wholesale I can CONFIRM that I have checked my bank account and the MONEY HAS BEEN DEDUCTED. They have taken $20.55 from my account, but are unable to provide the service. And their system CLEARLY SHOWS THIS. It’s also important to note that the footer for the “Order Complete” page states “Copyright 2014”. So, this means no one has bothered to update this payment system for 4 years? Unbelievable. You can imagine how annoying and time-consuming my days are, now that I’ve moved over 500 domain names AWAY from the TPP Wholesale system, like I have done over the past month. Every single day I receive dozens of emails from TPP Wholesale, wasting my time and alerting me that I must RENEW MY DOMAIN with TPP. URGENT!!!!! YOUR DOMAIN NAME HAS EXPIRED and is now in a STATE OF SUSPENSION!!!!! PAY NOW!!!! HAND OVER YOUR MONEY!!!! Yet, the domain name was moved months ago to a competitor. But that’s not all that’s broken over at the now totally-useless TPP Wholesale. Domainers and Business Owners have contacted me about making payment in full to TPP, ON TIME, and then still LOSING their domain name, due to a TPP “error”. If you have wrongfully lost your domain name after correctly paying TPP Wholesale to renew it, please let us know.  

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I’ve been seeing issues with TPP for a while myself. What is the best alternative to them in Australia? Aside from their clunky system, their support isn’t too bad, live chat is always there and they mostly get the job done.


Melbourne It has just rebranded to ARQ group but still seems to do the same thing and TPP is still listed as one of its brands.  There was a rumour about a year ago that TPP might be buying Synergy but I never heard anything more about it.


The Netalliance profit is mentioned on page 2 of the ARQ half yearly report and Netfleet is Netalliance Pty Ltd trading as so they are in there somewhere. It doesn’t look like they are making much out of Netalliance 2018=0.082 million, 2017=0.206 million.


You’re paying $20 to renew a domain for 12 months?  Ouch. 🙂


I was automatically moved to TPP when DistributeIT went under.  They haven’t changed since (which is years ago).  It’s a right mess when these guys go under. 🙂

Also it would be nice to comment on these posts here without needing to fill in name and email each time.  Am I missing something or is there a setting somewhere?