Synergy Wholesale, one of Australia’s largest auDA Registrars is DOWN.
This is currently displayed on the website at around 2:50pm – 12-06-24.

This means it is not currently possible to register or renew ANY domain names at the moment.
Their REGISTRY connection doesn’t work!
The error message was conveyed to support:

I think this means, someone has forgotten to pay their bill to Identity Digital (auDA Registry Operator) and they owe $75,000, so they have been BLOCKED from using the Registry and can not provide any domain name registration or renewal services to their tens of thousands of customers.
So, I reached out again about an hour later, and it appears it is only Synergy Wholesale that are affected.

So what happened here?
It looks like when auDA had the outage over the weekend and Identity Digital migrated the data to new servers, they did not migrate the accounting functions correctly.
I would expect that this error would have affected all registrars, but Synergy has the volume and hit the error -75k first.
This is just a guess from an outsider’s perspective, piecing together that sequence of events.
If this is the reason, auDA have dropped the ball here. auDA said on their blog, “The .au domain name system continued to operate without interruption throughout the upgrade window.” Looks like there is interruption…
I’m a big fan of Synergy Wholesale and I house most of my domain names with these guys. I believe the same as “Often Jaded” that this had something to do with the Identity Digital Registry database migration last week – – hopefully this was a once-off teething problem.