stock market versus crypto george keay

The Assets Show – Episode 9 – George Keay on Shares Versus Crypto Trading

Rob and Ed talk to George Keay today, Ed’s Father-in-law. George discusses old school share trading and talks about some great tools and websites you can use to get into shares. Rob and Ed compare the new crypto market as they go along.

George answers these two very important questions that every stock market or crypto market investor should be asking themselves;

  1. What’s the first thing you should do when you start investing?
  2. How much money should I invest when I get started?
  3. Is income the same as wages?
  4. How do you know when to invest and how do you know when to pull out?
  5. What is a fully franked dividend?
  6. What’s the difference between longing and shorting?
  7. Should you manage your own self managed super in shares?

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