drop buy netfleet

Drop.com.au buys Netfleet.com.au

WebCentral have released a public statement at their website that states;

Note: the $500,000 Drop.com.au paid for Netfleet was just for WebCentral’s 50% holding.

webcentral netfleet

It’s very interesting to note that WebCentral state;

“Drop Catching’ is the purchasing of domains if they are not renewed by the domain owner and then on-selling it to someone else or back to the original owner.”

They go on to claim, “It is expected that this practice will be redundant in the near future once (auDA), the domain governing body makes much needed changes to the industry.”

We wonder if auDA realises that drop-catching will soon be made redundant?

Hey auDA, care to elaborate?

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Is this deal why auDA only announced it issued a breech notice a few days ago but was reported to be issued several weeks ago?

I thought auDA was meant to promote competition in the market. Most registrars are owned by one or two overseas companies.

Are there any Australian owned registrars left?

3 people like this.

I don’t even have any domains still with Netfleet yet I have had 5 emails today from them announcing the deal. Is that classed as spam?

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How is Trellian going to handle their Netfleet backorders Consumers have already paid for?

So Trellian now have a 100% drop catching monopoly?

How will Drop.com.au and Netfleet.com.au both owned by Trellian compete with itself for the names when a bacjkorder already exists at Trellians Netfleet.com.au for a name?

Will Drop.com.au still advertise it and auction it against the companies Netfleet.com.au backorders which had ben paid for?

Will Drop catch the name because it might have higher bids?.. Meaning the paid for backorder was a Scam and waste of money?

Trellian takes on the responsibilities & backorders of Netfleet and this is a major issue of concern for consumer protections.


Backorder .au Domain Names
More often than not we have had to accept an inferior domain name just because our favourite domain name has already been registered. Imagine if you could have a chance at securing your top pick domain name and ensuring your business puts its best foot forward online.

Now you can. Once you place a domain backorder with Netfleet, our technology takes over. We will continually monitor your domain for it to become available, gets deleted or it expires. The moment it does, our system will attempt to register it for you in a matter of microseconds.

After years developing ultra low latency technology to register expiring domain names faster than anyone, we are proud to boast a 94% success rate at getting in ahead of the competition. Our system works.

Enter domain name to backorder

Note – only .au domain names and do not include http:// or www.

Why choose Netfleet?
Our core business since its inception in 2008, has been developing unbeatable technology to register expiring domain names ahead of the crowd. After years of refinement we are confident our solution will meet your needs. We are also partners with the leaders in domain name registration, hosting and cloud services throughout Australia, New Zealand and Worldwide, to offer you the best chance of securing the ideal domain name for your business.

Why place a domain backorder?
More often than not, your preferred domain name for your business is already taken. Often we settle for a second best domain name, be it longer, less memorable or perhaps in a different extension to the most popular choices. A backorder will monitor for your perfect domain name, to either complement or even replace your existing domain, maybe to be used for a future project, or equally important – stop your competitors beating you to it.

How much does it cost?
You can purchase a backorder to monitor your chosen domain name for 2 years at $199.95 AUD (inc GST). Your backorder investment includes:

Exclusivity for 2 years from date of purchase (meaning nobody, including your competitors cannot backorder the same domain)
Buyers Premium valued at $49.95
24/7 monitoring of the Domain name
Administration and transfer paperwork
Registration of the domain name for 2 years after the successful capture

Are there any exclusions?
Backorders will not be accepted for domain names that have already expired or are in pending delete. You can however bid on these names in our Daily Auction. Netfleet reserve the right to exclude some premium domain names from the backorder system however you will be notified of these exclusion prior to entering payment details.

We only accept one backorder per domain name – so if someone has placed a backorder on your chosen domain name already, you will not be able to order it. ” Netfleet.com.au / NetAlliance a Trellian Pty Ltd company https://www.netfleet.com.au/about )

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Maybe auDA is going to run expired auctions in the future? Not impossible to imagine.

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This is good news.

Web central’s comments are just PR.

Drop catching will continue.

Netfleet will finally get cleaned up under its new 100% owners.


Reading Trellian’s statement, and having spoken with David Warmuz and Anthony Peake, it seems as if Netfleet will be solely used for the aftermarket, and Drop for expired auctions. My understanding is that any NF backorders will be refunded pro rata.

Shame about lack of competition, but that’s not Trellian’s fault. David saw an opportunity, and pursued it. Anyone else could have done the same.

There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from creating another drop-catcher and/or aftermarket. The cost to become a registrar is cheap – you just have to have the right people to guide you. I forecast that we will see a competitor (or two) next year!

Scott Long

So, its likely auDA will become the Registry Operator and the Drop catcher.

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