domain names on the blockchain

Domainer Show – Episode 14

Brad Kam from Unstoppable Domains discusses using Domain Names on the Blockchain.

This topic and concept is obviously brand new, of course, and Brad is one of the pioneers in this space.

Very interesting to hear about how Domain Names are ABOUT to be used on the blockchain.

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URLs for blockchain are a great idea because they will serve as identifiers between transacting parties, a real problem solved

However outside of the blockchain they will offer nothing much new to ordinary business and ordinary consumers, the cost/benefit test for successful adoption falls over completely and critical mass will not be achieved.

The big 4 banks in Australia already offer Pay ID, which allows consumers and businesses alike to send payments to each other with a unique identifier like phone number or email address eg.

So the benefits of anything similar within the blockchain world will be limited TO transacting with the blockchain world, and will not offer real businesses in the real world anything to write home about.

Suggesting that blockchain URLs will be widely adopted and be embraced by the mainstream is just as erroneous as crypto-enthusiast suggestions that faux-currencies will somehow become the mainstream and surmount RBA & government controls.