domainer show 13

Domainer Show – Episode 13

  • [1:00] Rugby Australia lose complaint to hijack
  • [6:30] sells for $2,200
  • [9:00] Why use a domain broker?
  • [14:30] sells for $9,900
  • [20:30] Is the Drop Platform system broken? Or is Afilias allowing dropped domain names to drop 3 days in a row from now on?
  • [27:30] sells for $100,000
  • [30:00] Policy Review Panel releases new Consultation Paper.

Have your say on the new “proposed” auDA existing Policy Rule Changes and the “proposed” implementation of Direct .AU Registration.

The PRP were hoping to have the DIWG (Domain Investor Working Group) involved this Thursday in Melbourne to voice an opinion as a “group” on the latest Consultation Paper. However, the DIWG is not going to be involved in this process as a group and feel that certain members inside The PRP did not listen to members at the last meeting and have now ramped-up their attack on domain investors and entrepreneurs.

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