auda domain news blog

Appointments made on auDA Advisory Standing Committee members

Today, auDA released the following press release:

“auDA is pleased to announce the appointment of members to the General Advisory Standing Committee (GASC) and the Technical Advisory Standing Committee (TASC).

The establishment of these two committees is mandated by the new auDA constitution. These committees serve an important role as the mechanism by which the Australian internet community can raise issues with the auDA board.

General Advisory Standing Committee

As outlined in the auDA constitution:

The role of the General Advisory Standing Committee is to receive and consider submissions from members of the general public who are interested in the management, operations, decisions or actions of the Company.

The GASC can also self-initiate projects related to the management decisions or actions of auDA.

The appointees to the General Advisory Standing Committee are:

  • Leslie Callaway
  • Darryl Carlton
  • Steve DeMamiel
  • Michael Dodge
  • Ian Halson
  • Alison Howe
  • P R Khangure
  • Jon Lawrence
  • Paul Marshall
  • Charles Reis
  • Madeleine Roberts
  • Nikki Scholes
  • Peter Tonoli
  • Trent Wabbis

Peter Tonoli has been appointed interim Chair of the General Advisory Standing Committee.

Technical Advisory Standing Committee

As outlined in the auDA constitution:

The role of the Technical Advisory Standing Committee is to receive and consider submissions from members of the general public who are:
(i) interested in the management, operations, decisions or actions of the Company; and
(ii) have particular knowledge or expertise that relates to technical aspects of the operations, decisions or actions of the Company.

The appointees to the Technical Advisory Standing Committee are:

  • David Keegel
  • Alexey Chernyak
  • Scott Wilkie
  • Geoff Huston
  • Craig Marchant
  • Jonathan Gleeson
  • John Graham
  • Zach de Koning

Scott Wilkie has been appointed interim Chair of the Technical Advisory Standing Committee.

Both committees will hold their initial meetings shortly. Committee members will be contacted individually in this regard. auDA will be providing administrative and logistical support to the committees and the initial meetings will be held at the auDA offices.

Each committee will be able co-opt and attract additional members on a case-by-case basis.

auDA would like to extend its thanks to those who applied to join the committees and looks forward to working with them to help move .au forward.”

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Rudy Labordus

So curiously do you know what percentage of these committee members represent domainers and what percentage represent registrars?