domain investor working group

DIWG disbanded

On the 24th August 2018, auDA publicly posted that the Chairman of the PRP (Policy Review Panel) welcomed “Focus Groups in relation to direct registration implementation policy“.

Most notably, auDA stated the first “focus group” was to be the Domain Investor Working Groupconvened by Robert Kaay”.

“Convened” means “bring together for a meeting”, and that’s what I did. I reached out to a number of high-profile business people and domain investors (aka entrepreneurs!) and asked them to be a part of what I hoped would be a “fair consultation process” regarding implementation of Direct .AU Registrations.

At short-notice last Thursday, the DIWG was shocked to find its name changed to the DIFG instead? Without consultation. And we were all individually asked to attend a meeting in Melbourne at very short notice, instead of as a group.

That same day, The PRP released their new version of the Public Consultation Paper regarding Existing Policy Reform and Implementation of Direct .AU Registration on the auDA website.

After reading the new Policy Review Panel PUBLIC CONSULTATION PAPER (Feb 2019), I now wish to state that I no longer have confidence that The PRP has listened, or intends to listen to the DIWG, business people, domain name investors or entrepreneurs in regards to their thoughts or concerns on Direct .AU Registration implementation.

Furthermore, I believe that one or two individual people involved with The PRP are responsible for initiating brand new rules that are intended to attack existing domain name holders. Existing domain name holders who have complied and obeyed auDA Policy for decades, only to have a few Panel Members of The PRP attempt to turn back the clock in a bid to confiscate domains from legitimate holders.

Therefore, I formally advise The PRP that I am disbanding the DIWG (Domain Investor Working Group) and I have informed all members.

As many people have said before me, I am greatly concerned that the Panel lacks objectivity and I no longer have confidence that The PRP can proceed in a manner that is in the best interests of the Australian internet community.

I particularly made mention of this in March 2018, when I posted auDA’s Policy Review Panel was always doomed on NameBid.

Nothing seems to have changed.

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Rudy Labordus

We have a pathetic money hungry bunch of self centred lunatics running the show. Sad. 🙁

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Gary Beers

What the hell happened this time? The cherished DIWG now gone?! Tim the auDA Board Director Resigned. Luke from the PRP resigned. Ned O’Meara auDA Board Member resigned. Nicole Murdoch auDA Board Member resigned. Scott Long resigned from The Constitution Reform Committee. There were around 6 members of auDA Staff that resigned over the past 18 months. And no one has joined the dots yet?

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Ed Keay-Smith

This is a sad reflection on auDA in my opinion.

They need to get their act together before it all implodes!

The PRP is extremely myopic in my view and certainly seems to have it in for domain investors.

In touch with reality? NOT!

Tim Connell

whilst i have a lot to say on this matter i’ll keep it simple.

i have a client of 17 years, SMB, he bought his domain 17yrs ago and has now retired selling his business and thus the domain name along with it which is WELL BRANDED in the community for so long, it is also not a bad name that others would want, its not a $10K name but certainly has its value in the brand.

SO the dilemma ! because of uncertainty its best not to do a COR as that could wipe the new owners rights to a potential .au, YES, thankfully the sale is all friendly so delaying the COR is not an issue although it does break the rules, but this is what is being forced onto us.

this is where the question of viability comes in.

I’m sure these are the issues the diwg were nutting through and now all for naught, gary you mention me, luke etc , now we start listing these auda facade groups which auda creates to prove they are doing the right thing but have no intention of listening to.

hands up anyone that believes any group,survey,town hall or panel has been independent since this mess started in 2015 ?

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