Amazing day on the drops today! sold for a record $100,000 on the wholesale platform.
In weird circumstances, dropped THREE DAYS IN A ROW.
On Tuesday, Netfleet claimed they caught the domain name for $42,000. But the name didn’t officially drop, so went through to the next day.
On Wednesday, Netfleet claimed they caught the domain name for $31,000. But the name didn’t officially drop AGAIN, so it went through to today.
Today, WON the domain name for $100,000 and it officially dropped.
It’s still not crystal clear why such a premium domain name dropped for three days in a row?
But that’s not all that happened today.
The exposure seems to have had a positive effect on domain investors coming from all areas to buy the following names:

Wow, 100k! That’s a hell of a price… Congratulations go out to all the winners, including the drop-catching service, the highest bidder. Commiserations go to the old owner who is probably throwing up and wished he had transferred the name before the anonymous complainant decided to give it a gamble to own the name. The lesson for all is, if you have a name that doesn’t meet registration criteria. Change it now BEFORE a mystery complainant comes along. The process is automated in most registries, so don’t think that they check that your old info is up to date before transferring. Don’t put your head in the sand, because there are sharks waiting for your loss.
Meh should’ve been much higher but policy delete names make some buyers cautious
Congrats to the buyer who is sure to regain his investment within 3-6 months of commercialization
Unless of course REA or Domain Holdings who did not participate in the auction buy it privately from the registrant beforehand
Looking at the whois info; it Looks like this domain hasn’t transferred to the new owner, is it going to drop again.
Anthony often hides the info on big ones / new bidders for a short period initially until payment
OK, I didn’t know that was allowed.
Depends on who you are whether the policy matters.
Hahaha Scott, no, it’s not going to drop again. Going to take a couple days now until we see who owns.
The new owners obviously haven’t read today’s auDA Policy Review Panel Paper, particularly section 3.
New article regarding this coming very, very soon…