drop catcher expired expiring domain names policy delete

DropCatcher.com.au has launched!

In what can only be described as beautiful music to the ears of Australian domain investors and entrepreneurs, Assets Australia has been given the scoop that DropCatcher.com.au (V1) has officially launched!

Cam Bell (who has over 17 years working in the Australian domain name industry) and his hard working team have just brought a much-needed new Drop Catcher to the Australian domain name industry. You can now bid on dropping and expiring domain names every day at DropCatcher.com.au(.)

Ed and I were lucky enough to be asked (well, we begged) to be chosen as “beta testers” for the new Drop Catcher over the past few months and we offered various opinions to make the best drop catcher we thought the community would love. I can personally say I love the new platform and use it exclusively to bid and catch dropping domain names for myself and my clients.

As a special introductory offer for Assets Australia readers, DropCatcher has reduced its annual signup fee from $99 to only $1, for a limited time, so be sure to go and sign up now.

Also, you’ll be pleased to know it’s only a minimum $20 bid to win a dropping or expiring domain name and your bid can be placed as a “proxy” bid, meaning, if you place a bid for $100 as your “proxy”, if no one else makes a bid for the domain, the system will only charge you the minimum $20 for the domain. How’s that for fair!? Also, what you bid is what you pay, so GST is included and there’s no other fees.

Once a domain has 2 bidders or more, the bid becomes public and you get to watch the action, as long as you’re logged in. That’s full transparency on bids when there are 2 or more bids on a particular domain.

DropCatcher has also implemented an awesome “Domain Alerts” tool, so you can be notified when any of your favourite keyword domains appear on the daily drop list via email

All the freshly non-contested .au Direct domains that become available every day are also available to buy every day on the new platform.

Sign up to DropCatcher.com.au today (for $1 limited time), be sure to “watch” some of your brand keywords, and provide your feedback to Cam Bell and his team to make DropCatcher (V1) even better over the coming months.

Start watching, backordering and buying domain names to protect your online brand.

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Thanks Rob, to you and Ed for the work you’ve done testing it for me over the last few months.

I’m quite proud of this first version of the site and I highly encourage all who check it out to let me know directly if you have any issues or suggestions. Of note is something you mentioned; I also include in this daily list any .AU that has become immediately able to be registered too and I’m seeing a few of those getting snapped up on our platform already. Exciting times!

The next step is to get a formal Registrar Accreditation, which I continue to work on and is proving to be quite difficult with auDA. Not from a technical viewpoint, of which I have already passed most of the hurdles, but more from auDA’s new Registrar Application rules. If anyone has experience getting auDA to actually co-operate, communicate and can help me, please get in touch.

Robert likes this.
Last edited 2 years ago by Cam

Awesome. Thanks. Signed up!

Rudy Labordus

Am I reading this right that this is finally going back to the good old days of auctions where there is actual bidding like on eBay, right up to the death knock without being forced into nominating ridiculous multiples? Now THAT does sound enticing. 🙂

I guess the next unknown is how fast are the servers in actually grabbing the domain name compared to those owned by drop? Would be interesting to see an update to this article in a few weeks to show conversions of successful captures from auctions and compare them to Drop.

And lastly, what valuation tool is being used? Giving the same valuation to both the .com.au and .au of the same name seems a little wanky, at best extremely hopeful, but realistically quite far fetched. Especially given previous articles on here showing a takeup expectation of .au to be a max of 10%. (example: reviewing today I can see miscellaneous.com.au and miscellaneous.au both valued equally at $24,179)

But regardless of the above, congrats Cam on finally getting this over the line. I know how patient you needed to be to get here and I do wish you much success! I will certainly be one of your customers.


Hey Rudy,

The first iteration of DropCatcher does not yet have its own direct Registrar accreditation, so its performance is not going to be at its full potential until that occurs.

DropCatcher is definitely the place to be if you want to get a non-contested domain at the best price as what you bid is what you pay, just $20 min!

My team and I have worked hard to build the tech and it’s complete and ready to go, as you can see, so as soon as auDA approve their last few tick boxes I’m confident we’ll be competitive against other existing services that provide drop catching.

As for the valuations, they come from Estibot. As there’s no real data on .AU’s yet we’re just using the same valuation for both. As the market matures and we see the kinds of prices .AU’s are going for, we’ll adjust our system to value them more accurately.


Rudy Labordus

Can I suggest you make the .au a $0 value for now (just for your own credibility)? Better to say nothing that say a figure you know is going to mocked and be wildly inaccurate. For me personally, I would rather not even see them listed. Waste of time. Anything worthwhile will be registered by whoever has priority by September 2022 and there won’t be anything of value in the drops until at the earliest September 2023 when a tiny percentage of those people MAY let their au drop after having it registered for a year. Until then, it’s literally just a visual distraction.

And can you get Aussie search volumes please? You’re an Aussie domain catcher selling Aussie domains and only Aussie domains. It makes no sense to show international search and CPC numbers.

Just trying to be helpful. 🙂

Cage Fighter

Finalllly!!!! epic just signed up


Strange, but, the discount code for $1 isn’t showing up for me?

Ed Keay-Smith

Totally agree Rob,

The new Drop Catcher platform is great and I am grateful to Cam for letting us in on the Beta test phase.

Exciting to have a new player in the Australian Domain Industry.

Everyone should sign up for it, it’s a No Brainer for AU$1.

Robert likes this.

Very good works lads you can count on my support. $20 per domain bargain. Not sure I’ll be buying any DOT.AU though


Good stuff!

It is such a shame that other platforms dont publish auction results.

Numerous .com.au domains have gone for five figures this year and none have been reported.

Rob, your Top Sales list could be updated with some of the sales reported at https://dnj.com.au/what-is-a-com-au-domain-name-worth/

also Dash.com.au went for $20,000 usd or circa $28k aud in Feb on Sedo.

Robert likes this.