auda policy delete warranty check

auDA confiscating generic first-name

The auDA Complaints staff are at it yet again.

This week they’re confiscating the generic first-name domain name ‘’ from the current owner, due to a clearly vexatious complaint from a lazy anonymous complainant who wants a free domain name.

auDA stated to the current registrant that the domain name is being deleted because;

[owner] did not manufacture or sell a product named “Lynne”; or
[owner] did not provide a service named “Lynne”; or
[owner] did not organise or sponsor an event named “Lynne”; or
[owner] did not facilitate, teach or train a service named “Lynne”; or
[owner] did not operate a venue named “Lynne”; or
[owner] did not practice a profession named “Lynne”

Yet, the owner clearly had a logo and “coming soon” page created before the complaint as shown here;

How about this, auDA? is a GENERIC ONE WORD DOMAIN NAME and you are allowing a lazy vexatious complainant to STEAL IT for FREE from the current owner?

Whether the domain name is being used for “close and substantial connection” or “domain monetisation” shouldn’t matter.

This is clearly a vexatious complaint against a generic domain name.

The auDA Complaints Team earn a living from being paid by auDA. A decent chunk of auDA revenue is funded by entrepreneurs and domainers who legitimately purchase many generic domain names for brand protection and future business development purposes.

Yet, this small team of three people who make up the auDA Complaints Team continue to allow anonymous complainants to hijack domain names for free.

Just last week, auDA deleted my own three-letter acronym domain name ‘’ from an anonymous complainant. I defended the domain name in writing, but heard nothing back and then suddenly the domain was just GONE and on the drops.

There simply seems to be no common sense or proper vetting of vexatious anonymous complaints going on at auDA.

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