domain thief reverse hijacking

22 years after the internet invented, guy registers ABN and demands geo-generic domain name for free.

If this isn’t blatant attempted domain name thievery, I don’t know what is… So why has auDA felt the need to publicly publish this rubbish?

A few weeks ago, auDA (AU Domain Administration) received a submission toward the PRP’s Final Report…

In the submission, a seemingly-angry guy called “Ric” states he registered the business name “Berrima Accommodation” in 2016. That’s 22 years after the internet and domain names were invented.

According to “Ric”, by registering his ABN, he felt this meant an entrepreneur running a company called “Acheeva”, who had owned for many years prior to “Ric” registering his ABN, should hand him over the generic/geographic domain name FOR FREE.

As if this blatant attempt at domain name thievery isn’t bad enough, for some strange reason, auDA has gone ahead and publicly published “Ric’s” ignorant rant.

When a fellow domain industry businessman noticed auDA had published “Ric’s” public submission, naming and shaming “Acheeva” for no good reason, he had this to say:

Hi Acheeva,

I wanted to bring something to your attention you may not be aware of. You may wish to lodge a formal complaint to auDA, who has chosen to publish a vexatious submission which unfairly tarnishes your reputation and your rights to register a particular generic .au domain name.

In auDA’s previous calls for submissions they stated they would not publish such vexatious or personal attack submissions.. yet they have in this instance.

Domainer believes Acheeva is very disappointed that auDA did not replicate relevent content from the email exchanges, when they chose to publicly publish “Ric’s” one-sided submission, in regards to The PRP’s Final Report this month.

The auDA Board has now famously and rightfully mostly gone against The PRP’s recommendations.

So, in the interest of fairness, we’ve decided to publish Ric’s attempt at trying to steal Acheeva’s domain name ourselves…


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Scott Long

Very disappointing, using the public submissions platform to smear the reputation of a legitimate domain holder.

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How well do you really know TPP? That 7 days would equate to them taking at LEAST 7 already where they had the complaint and did nothing about it.


PRP Recommendations 2020: All complaints to be sent to the Minister.

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