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What happened to and ?

On Saturday March 2, two premium domain names were officially set to “Pending Purge” at the Identity Digital Domain Registry.

The two domains in question were:


Both of these domain names are easily valued at greater than $10,000 each. Easily much more than that, but that’s just a minimum value appraisal by yours truly.

“Pending Purge” means these domain names are LOCKED into being “dropped” by the Domain Registry, available for the general public to buy.

The only problem is, the “general public” had NO CHANCE of getting their hands on these domains when they dropped, because there was only ONE PLACE in Australia where you could bid on an auction to WIN these two great domain names. And that place was,) a single private company endorsed by auDA. If you need to understand how and why they are the ONLY place you can bid and win premium Australian domain names FIRST and uncontested, you should read our last article from yesterday.

What’s very interesting is did NOT display these two domain names for anyone to purchase, meaning no one was able to bid or try to buy these two domain names.

Instead, these two domain names were kept off the drop list, and, low and behold, caught them back for the exact same person or entity that was losing them.

Check out the factual data and screenshot trail displayed below.

Saturday March 1 – original WHOIS

The screenshot below shows “” locked into dropping the day BEFORE it dropped on Saturday March 2.

Note that “Benjamin Banks” from “” owns the domain name BEFORE it is about to drop.

Note that “BB Payment Services Pty Ltd” owns the domain name BEFORE it is about to drop.

Note that the domain is “parked” at “” which is an entity owned by the same owners of

Saturday March 2 – Automation of “” on front page of

The automation appears to have placed the domain “” on the front of their website, here is the screenshot below, even though they chose NOT to list it on the bidding auction.

It is CLEAR that the system KNEW that “” was dropping to the public, but it did not appear on the bidding auction list.

Saturday March 2 – Final Auction Results Screenshot

Listed below is the final “auction ended” screenshot for March 2 on

This proves both “” and “” did not appear on the bidding auction list on which means no one was able to bid on these two domains.

Sunday March 3 – Screenshot of catching “” for same owner.

Listed below is the screenshot on the next day that proves caught the domain name back for the previous owner, uncontested, without listing it for the general public to fairly bid on it.

You will notice “BB Payment Services” owns the domain name once again.

You will notice the new “Registrant Email Owner” is currently “”.

As at March 5 – the above WHOIS remains the same.

The exact same scenario happened in this same way with “”.

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