direct au domains dropping

Thousands of Direct .au domains dropping this week.

In early 2022, auDA released Direct “.au” domain names for “Priority Allocation” to existing domain name holders.

At the time, auDA stated:

“The .au direct Priority Allocation Period ran from 24 March 2022 to 20 September 2022 and provided registrants who held a .au domain name registered before the launch of .au direct on 24 March 2022, priority to apply for the .au direct match of their existing domain name. For example, the existing registrant of had the opportunity to register through the Priority Allocation Process, if they wished to do so.”

In late September and early October 2022, anyone who didn’t have priority allocation to a Direct “.au” and found that the domain was still available, could register it.

Now, it’s 12 months later (plus 30 days grace period) and the tap has been turned on for all the Direct “.au” domains that no one wants to be discarded to “the drops”.

And drop they are, as thousands and thousands of Direct “.au” domains are being released and discarded by the original Registrants every day this week.

We will have more information about this very subject toward the end of this month, but by all accounts, many people seem to be deciding that Direct “.au” domains don’t look to be worth the “double spend” as they discard them.

You can watch the tap spray out all the discarded Direct “.au” domain names every day this week by using Backorder or On DropCatcher, you can also search only by Direct “.au” and order them starting from the shortest domains.


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Yep, .au is a complete dud, is King and is strong and steady too.


Now the auDA Directors are asking the members to give them a 20% pay rise because they are so busy. Vote NO

A Domainer likes this.
Last edited 1 year ago by Nobby

[Edited post]

I see there is nonsense valuations of $55,000 or even $10,000 on .au names belonging to this junk extension.

Becoming harder and harder to locate good or even good names on the drops with all these junk names.


The highest profile one I know of is CSIRO, they use as their primary domain.

Tom is one that comes to mind.


I’m frankly shocked gentlemen that nobody has mentioned an absolute pillar of IT excellence that is;


Haven’t heard of any sales, but I have seen a couple in use. There is a local real estate agent whose brochure came around a while ago with a Direct .au on it. You’re going to be annoyed because I can’t remember the name (I wasn’t in the market for property) but I certainly took note that he was using a .au. From memory, it was a 3L, which would explain why.


Here they are. It was a 4L – The is in use by someone else.


Anyone notice the TV ads for lately? I chatted with the owner of that name back in the day, he was firm wanted $200k. Must’ve got something good as he sold it a few years later.