Pot, meet Kettle.

Pot calling the kettle black” – Idiom

Person 1 : Can you believe we get away with breaking the rules, have no competition and can do whatever we like?
Person 2 : Yeah, this is going well. NO ONE CAN STOP US. Sure, many of our customers have left us, but we’re getting all the cream for ourselves and our mates. The only thing we’re missing, as kings, are crowns.
Person 3 : I was going to give you MY crown, but I’ve decided not to, at the last minute.
Person 1 : Hey, that’s not fair! The rules state if you offer me your crown, you can’t take it back. You have to obey the rules!
Person 2 : Yes, you can’t just offer us your crown and then pull it away at the last minute, that’s not fair?!
Person 3 : Why not, you guys have broken the rules many times!

Pot calling the kettle black 
Meaning: Accusing someone of being something you are yourself; who are you to judge?
Synonymous phrase: Look who’s talking.

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