Mind blowing Shopify Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2019 Sales Figures!

I was at a Shopify Meetup held in Perth last night with the Senior Business Development Manager from Melbourne Atay Mehmet giving us a short but impactful presentation.

The stats he shared about the Shopify Stores sales figures for BFCM (Black Friday / Cyber Monday) were impressive.

US$2.9 Billion in sales (up from the US$1.8 Billion from 2018) over the sales weekend from the 175 countries Shopify stores are currently active in. Wow!

Here is something to pay very close attention to. 69% of sales were conducted on a mobile device (phones and tablets combined)! So if your eCommerce store is not highly mobile optimised, your sales could be negatively effected.

Here is the link to the full report from Shopify. https://news.shopify.com/shopify-merchants-break-records-with-29-billion-in-worldwide-sales-over-black-fridaycyber-monday-weekend

This made me wonder, how many people who read this blog and are domain investors also run eComm stores on their domains and out of those, who uses Shopify as their eComm platform?

Leave a comment below and feel free to leave a link to your eComm store as well.

Ed Keay-Smith is the Founder & CEO of Online Impact, an Australian based Digital Marketing Agency.

You can contact Ed at ed@onlineimpact.com.au or his mobile 0403 072 959

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