Japan ccTLD JPRS Domain Name

Japan Domain Registration Services inform their own country via mass media.

I was visiting Japan last week, as an invited guest-speaker of the Netpreneur Summit.

Out of all the listed companies in Japan, the Japan Registration Service (JPRS) publicly advertises that 97% of their local Japanese companies own “.co.jp” domain names.

To better inform their public about their own domain name space, and help lead them away from further investing in the “.com” competitor, JPRS advertise the local “.co.jp” and “.jp” ccTLD’s to EVERY SINGLE PERSON living in Japan on the subway system.

You can IMAGINE how many MILLIONS of people see this information EVERY DAY in Japan.

I know all of this, because I personally filmed one of the adverts on the subway, just this last week, as you can see here:

And check out what they say in English, by watching the video below.

The big question that we must pose here in Australia is…

WHY HAS auDA NEVER WANTED TO PROMOTE OUR OWN ccTLD SPACE, or The POLICY REVIEW PANEL Recommendations, through large Australian media channels?

Have you had your say regarding The PRP’s Final Report recommendations yet?

The VOTE.com.au automated-submission system is working perfectly.

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Tim Connell

population of Japan 126 MIL
population of Australia 24 MIL

yet japan is not top 10 and we are.

The top 10 ccTLDs as of Dec. 31, 2017 in terms of names actively under management:

.cn (China) – 21.4 million
.tk (Tokelau) – 19.9 million
.de (Germany) – 16.3 million
.uk (United Kingdom) – 12.1 million
.ru (Russian Federation) – 6.2 million
.nl (Netherlands) – 5.8 million
.br (Brazil) – 3.9 million
.eu (European Union) – 3.8 million
.fr (France) – 3.1 million
.au (Australia) – 3.1 million*

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