.id.au hobby personal citizen domain cctld

‘.id.au’ domain extension under attack!

The Australian domain extension ‘.id.au’ was created over 30 years ago for anyone who wanted to create an Australian domain name for one of the following purposes;

  • personal interest or a hobby;
  • A match to the registrant’s legal name, first name or family name;
  • An acronym or abbreviation of the registrant’s legal name, first name or family name; or
  • A nickname of the registrant.

However, as at 24 March 2022, auDA changed the rules so you could no longer register or renew a name that refers to a “personal interest or a hobby” in the id.au namespace.   

After 30 years, all of a sudden, a couple of people at auDA simply just changed the rules.

It’s clear their purpose is to delete as many “.id.au” domain names as possible, before .au Direct domain names come into existence and become available for registration by the general public on October 4.

Whilst it’s great to see that auDA have been deleting some “.id.au” domain names that have been registered by Businesses or Companies (which was never allowed), they’re also now deleting legitimate Registrant’s “.id.au” domain names who have paid thousands of dollars for them over the years and have held them as “personal interest or hobby” domains.

It appears some jealous late-comers have recently began deliberately making complaints against various generic “.id.au” domain names, as we’re getting many reports suggesting this.

In the meantime, here are just a few prime “.id.au” domain names auDA have Policy Deleted lately, to ensure the owners of these names aren’t able to acquire a priority token for the .au Direct matching domain name.

Policy Deleted .id.au Domains (May-Aug 2022)

  • lu.id.au
  • bhp.id.au
  • anz.id.au
  • van.id.au
  • app.id.au
  • coin.id.au
  • melb.id.au
  • trill.id.au
  • apple.id.au
  • hello.id.au
  • urban.id.au
  • market.id.au
  • advice.id.au
  • emails.id.au
  • bespoke.id.au
  • homecare.id.au
  • mywealth.id.au
  • webdesign.id.au
  • digitalmarketing.id.au

It’s unclear if auDA will be compensating these domain owners who have owned these domains for many years, and now had them confiscated.

In an effort to help auDA attack the right people who have wrongfully registered a “.id.au” domain name under a business or company entity, instead of as a personal name / citizen, we will soon be publishing a list of “.id.au” domains auDA need to suspend immediately.

Stay tuned.

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auDA, Afilias, Registrar’s profits always come first for them.

Taking money for years then changing the rules..

Where are the REFUNDS?


It seems like an interesting issue auDA has created themselves with their own .id.au rule changes and their $ FEE based conflicted names process and new direct .au domain name extension?

Is auDA going to use the same rules for everyone or not?

What can registrant consumers do who have been paying for registrations and renewals in good faith within auDA policy for years?

It’s obvious that auDA’s claimed auDA, Afilias, Registrar .id.au eligibility verification process may not actually even work if even today anyone including overseas non eligible people, scammers can put in a fake name, company name, sole trader, acn, abn etc and still registrar a .id.au easily. Yes even today it is easy and possible… so auDA did not solve anything.

auDA Claims of needing direct .au Token fees for “verification” is Bullshit. No country or namespace in the world did it.. just profit hungry auDA, Afilias and the Registrars who have colluded together to do it in Australia for the first time ever. Wake up ACCC and Government Comms Dept.

12000 .id.au are registered. Yes some could get the direct .au token or name and have probably already paid… even if the name is conflicted and other parties and registrants pay or will pay also for the exact direct .au in conflict . auDA, Afilias and Registrars get this money and they do nothing for it. No-one gets the name when its in conflict buy they still get paid – A Consumer Rip Off.

How many are not eligible or being targeted by auDA? Is the problem now people are also confused and the auDA, Afilias, Registrar systems still allow the registrations anyway even when a company, fake name, abn etc is used?

Travel.id.au – Conflicted with Travel.com.au owned by Expedia
Health.id.au – Conflicted with Health.gov.au – Government
News.id.au – Conflicted with News.com.au owned by News Corp




auDA Registrar Compliance & Process checks? LOL

It’s easy to register an .id.au .com.au, new direct .au, .net.au still with auDA Registrars using fake and ineligible details.

auDA- your systems and Registrar compliance does not work.

There is NO working verification of .au domain name registrant eligibility still for .au names. Every single extension except .gov.au can be registered with fake details or wrong details that are ineligible still.

Whistleblowers and a concerned Registrar told auDA about the criminal domains and websites here in these news stories. It took a long time for auDA to even bother looking into it with the threat it was going to the media with or without them…

auDA took the credit but totally failed to stop the Registrations in the first place…just like still today.

Direct .au will see massive fraud, cybersquatting, fake registrants, ripped-off Consumers and worse. Well done auDA. Reward yourself with a bonus and trip to more international junkets & Disneyland trips.

“auDA public affairs chief took family to Disneyland on auDA / .au Domain Registrants dollar” – https://www2.cio.com.au/article/640242/former-director-took-family-disneyland-auda-dollar/

“1000 Australian websites taken down after China-based criminal plot revealed” – https://www.afr.com/technology/more-than-1000-australian-websites-taken-down-following-chinaled-criminal-plot-20161007-grxa2o

auDA asks registrar to delete 1025 .au domain names – https://www.computerworld.com/article/3459035/auda-asks-registrar-to-delete-1025-au-domain-names.html
