As previously mentioned on,) Ian Hanke is an expensive PR practitioner paid directly by auDA to handle their media relations.
It is unclear how much money auDA, the non-profit Australian domain name administrative body, has been, and is probably still currently paying Mr Hanke to directly handle auDA’s media relations.
But to give you some idea, a few years ago, The Mercury newspaper quoted Labor politician Bryan Green as stating, “Mr Hanke was being paid a thousand dollars a day with no contract at all.” The entity Mr Hanke was apparently engaged by at that time was the State Government of Tasmania.
“On the same day as the Mercury reported on how much Mr Hanke was being paid, a contract was suddenly drawn up,” Mr Green said in that same Mercury article.
Today, based on the following Tweet made by Mr Hanke, (over a recent Domain Incite article – Australia Likely To Ban Domaining) any reasonable person would surely come to the conclusion that this auDA-paid PR spin-doctor can’t wait for tens of thousands of Australian domain names to be confiscated. Literally meaning; ten’s of thousands of domain names owned by legitimate Australian businesses are at risk of being potentially turned off due to a crazy, new Final Report proposed by auDA’s PRP.

Cash for Comment reporters are like coin operated vending machines, drop a dollar into the slot and get whatever comment you want.
Imagine if people were told they could no longer make a profit from real estate anymore in Australia! The fu**ing place would explode!
Imagine if people who were jealous about other people buying beach front property in Australia 20 years ago and then suggesting that they no longer have the right to own it and must sell it for no more than the price they paid for it 20 years back! What a joke!
Yet this is the exact senario they are suggesting takes place for domain names except far less people understand domain names and the value they have and the devistating effect it would have on anyone who has been working within auDA’s rules for the past 17+ years.
I feel a class action lawsuit coming on if any of this proposed nonsense by the auDA PRP were to be implemented.
“…must sell it for no more than the price they paid for it 20 years back!”
Good point! Retrospectively imposing the eradication of any profit on the sale of domain names is nothing but bad faith policy.
auDA and their PR spin Doctors need to be sacked.
They are ****** money out of the organisation and most of them have no understanding of policy or the global domain name landscape.
Blair Cameron Boardman’s, Alistair Paterson’s and Chris Leprosy’s choice of paying their ignorant Ian Hanke Liberal trough sharing auDA money is disgraceful.
Liberal Party associated Ian Hanke and mate of Chris Leptos and Cameron Boardman is by definition a Paid Troll for auDA.
Yes their mate Ian Hanke is being paid by auDA to troll forums, twitter and represent auDA to the media!
“It is difficult to understand why auDA, a non-profit that has never been known to have financial problems, needs to keep bulking up its bank balance. But the proposed salary rises, hiring of expensive contractors and resolving matters in court could be reasons for this.”
“The prime aim of the current board appears to be generation and salting away of as much profit as possible – which seems strange given that auDA is a non-profit. But without money, how would one hire expensive PR practitioners like Ian Hanke to handle media relations? Hanke, an adviser to the Tasmanian state Liberal government, once charged as much as $934 for a day’s work. A lot of PR is needed to push this kind of model”.
Ian Hanke has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to domain names or monetisation.
Ian Hanke, auDA’s PRP and auDA are causing widespread damage to confidence in the .au namespace.
Ian Hanke, auDA’s PRP and auDA are are bringing the .au namespace into global disrepute with their foolish ignorance of how domain names work globally and even within Australia.
Ian Hanke foolishly ignores the many auDA accredited Registrars who advertise and run .au domain name monetisation programs themselves! Yes they run them and they profit from them!
auDA Accredited Registrars monetisation programs:
1. Dreamscape/ Crazy Domains/ Enetica
2. Godaddy Australia
auDA must be sacked and investigators brought in to see how people like Ian Hanke are given their high paid troll jobs by their mates at auDA.
The more I learn about current auDA mismanagement of the once strong, well respected .au name space the more I am disgusted they are still in their jobs!
They all need to be sacked immediately.
I’ve never seen such a corrupted process of chaos by shot management and conflicts of interest in my life.
They even paid themselves more! WTF?
Sign me up for a Class Action if they hurt my consumer rights and investments in the .au name space which they’ve all been profiting off personally.
DoCA should sack them now.
There is no way they can stop it. The secondary price of names will just go up because there will be more administration costs to hold domains.
What happens when auDa goes broke after the class action, I’m sure Fairfax will not be sitting around letting their domains be taken off them, as we know Fairfax has a lot more money invested omain names, more than auDA has in the bank. Good Luck auDA. Get ready
Knowing dodgy auDA, I’m sure they’ll be selective on who they decide to steal names off when it comes to it.
What happens when auDa goes broke after the class action, I’m sure Fairfax will not be sitting around letting their domains be taken off them, as we know Fairfax has a lot more money invested in domain names, more than auDA has in the bank. Good Luck auDA. Get ready