domainer show 01

Domainer Show – Episode 1

Watch Episode 1 by clicking play above. Listen to Episode 1 in your car or headphones by clicking play below.   Robert Kaay and Ed Keay-Smith have joined forces to create a Domainer Show! In this weeks show (the first of many!) we cover the following:
  • How well did the Afilias .AU Domain Name Migration go? Were their any problems?
  • The extremely important auDA SGM (Special General Meeting) is fast approaching on July 27. This meeting has the potential to permanently influence the future of Australian domain names.
  • auDA created a Constitutional Working Model Group (CWMG) earlier this year. The CWMG held an online forum last week. Robert attended online and discusses what happened in his own opinion.
  • auDA’s Policy Review Panel (PRP) is mentioned, with much more on this subject to come in future shows.
  • Robert explains how he was wrongfully called an “extortionist” by an angry ex-domain-name-owner on the phone earlier this week. Simply for buying a generic two-letter domain name from the drops about eight weeks ago. Robert explains how he believes this completely wrong attitude is being created and fuelled and needs to be stopped.
  • A lucky punter registered earlier this week for $6.50(.) This domain name is worth big money! Find out how he did it!
There’s all this plus loads more! Hit the play button above (either video or podcast!) and we’d love to see your thoughts/opinions in the comment section.

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Josh Rowe

Great first episode. Particularly good to demystify the difference between domain investors which register generic names, and cybersquatters who registers names which infringe intellectual property (eg trademarks).

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Great video cast guys. Looking forward to watching the next one.

Laurie Patton

My take on the current debate over auDA…

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is this available to subscribe to on itunes or google play so that we can listen on a podcast player?

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Scott Long

Who is the Chair of Security and Risk Committee at auDA? Suzie Ewart 
Who is the Chair of the Governance Committee at auDA? Sandra Hook
Who is the Chair that enabled this bastardization of auDA? Chris Leptos
Who is at the center of this ridiculous charade? Cameron Boardman (CEO)

One good reason to sack them –

These three Independent Directors were responsible for the capture of auDA via an undisclosed member applicant process which saw a massive membership induction of offshore employees from supply side entities. They exploited a loophole in the constitution whilst it is under Review, they changed the nature of the membership model without regard to the impact upon the ‘Australian Internet Community’ based in Australia, handing over control to 4 registrars and 1 registry operator to decide reform outcomes via special resolutions.

This is your last stand against tyranny, its your final time to make a change – afterward, You don’t have a say anymore, it will be up to the biggest proxy networks to decide.

auda new members 2018

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Scott Long

In my opinion, the definition “Australian Internet Community” within the auDA Constitution is very relevant to the Boards decision about who is eligible to qualify as a member of auDA PREAMBLE. Taking the view that the Internet Domain Name System is a public asset, and that the .au ccTLD is under the sovereign control of the Commonwealth of Australia, auDA will administer the .au ccTLD for the benefit of the Australian community.

auDA will administer the .au ccTLD for the benefit of the Australian community. auDA is composed of Supply and Demand Class Members and Directors, each belonging to the Australian Internet Community.

“Australian Internet Community” means those users and suppliers of services via the Internet who are based in Australia;..based in Australia i.e. Resident.Why would any foreign person be eligible to have a say in an industry that they cannot partake in?· GAC Principle 9.1.8 all .au registrations require the registrant to be resident in Australia.

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