domainer show episode 7 michael gargiulo

Domainer Show – Episode 7

We’ve got an amazing Domainer Show for you today! How much guts does it take to whack down over $1.3 million AU on a three-letter .com domain name? Plenty! That’s how much Michael Gargiulo paid for last year after years of negotiating on his own, followed by engaging a domain broker to take it over the line. We asked Michael the steps he took to be able to build various businesses up to a point where he could land this dream domain name and then dominate his desired industry. There’s not only so much great domain name purchasing advice in this episode, but tons of awesome business-start-up advice too! Robert runs and Ed runs

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Great show guys!

Robert likes this.

An excellent show Rob & Ed. Some gold nuggets of advice in there…

Michael Gargiulo

Thanks for the great show guys. I really enjoyed coming on. I hope Domainer listeners can apply some of the ideas mentioned and build some amazing businesses.



Knocked it out of the park again! Another great special guest.