domainer show episode 34 direct au registration rules policy

Domainer Show – Episode 34 – Direct .AU is coming! What you need to know! Part I

Direct .AU domain names are coming into existence in March 2022.

This means as well as you can also own for the first time ever in Australia.

What does this mean for businesses, domain investors and entrepreneurs who own an existing or ?

Watch this latest Domainer Show episode now to find out.

The new Direct .AU Priority Allocation Rules can be found here.

[Update: watch the next video Part II here]

Contact Rob and Ed about your dream domain name at

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Don Rankin

Thanks Rob and Ed for the information you provided on the video and good luck with the new partnership in DBR.

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Ed Keay-Smith

Thanks Don

I hope you are doing well mate, long time no speak!



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welcome back guys!

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Ed Keay-Smith

Thanks Mike

It is great to be back with such important news for the .AU domain space.

Thanks for listening.



A Domainer likes this.

Great show. Enjoyed listening.

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James Brown

Great show gents, good to see you both back! Big news with .au registrations, some crazy times ahead. Awesome announcement with Ed joining DBR, congrats to you both & cheers to your continued success. Looking forward to the next episode.

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Ed Keay-Smith

Thanks JB

It is important news and interesting time ahead in Australia.

Some great opportunities I think.

Partnering with Rob on the DBR Domain Brokerage is great and fits in well with everything else I do.

I hope you are going great in Japan buddy!



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What are these new additional Registrar fees for lodging an application to participate in the auDA conflicted names process which auDA has mentioned Registrars may charge the affected .au domain name registrant consumers?

When will it be payable??

Will it be paid directly to Registrars?

Will auDA or their subcontracted Registry provider Afilias take any part of the fee paid?

“There will be a fee for lodging an application and, like the prices of domain name registrations, this fee will vary between registrars.”

Anyone buying dropped names or new .au is pissing away their money since 2018 if they thought they may be in the running for the direct .au version

This is going to be a major issue.

Once you’ve paid the application fee, if you sell your name or do a COR on your domain name, even if you paid this conflicted name fee, the name becomes ineligible for the corresponding direct .au!

Well done auDA and the new auDA Board on their new money machine.

Maybe StewartMedia was right? Is this why auDA and an Australian Registrar did all they could to shut him up?

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This comment and others on here are alarmist nonsense. No one will be scrambling to get in line for the turd sandwich that is direct .au

I won’t be registering many .au names. For most of my names I will be letting others register them. They won’t be able to use the .au unless they have the also. And then if they have both, the best choice is always as it is 30 years strong and no one wants to take a risk on a bastard extension.

Use your head and stop being alarmist. These debates all happened with .uk and .nz and we know the outcome – the results are in and these fake extensions never amount to more than a luke warm fart on a cold night.

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Great interview guys and insight on direct registrations.
Let’s face it, we all knew it would eventually come, there’s just too much money at stake for it not to be.
Will direct au cause dramas and headaches? You bet!
(Fascinating when you think IP/trademarks forbid confusingly similar names to operate in business, yet confusion has still been created!)

I know many reading this have invested many $’s in the namespace & will face major headaches obtaining your corresponding .au

Best of luck everyone..


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