australian domain name sales

Domain Market Is Back

It is now safe to say that the strength of the Australian domain name market is back. Public confidence in the value of premium Australian domain names seems to now be happening again, ever since the auDA SGM was completed nearly two weeks ago. Most notably, David and Anthony’s platform is seeing end-users paying huge dollars to secure their dream domain name for themselves. Combining the power and platform strategy of Domain Shield and Drop seems to have been a genius business move by the veteran domain name businessmen. Netfleet have had to redesign their entire system since the July 1st domain migration.  They weren’t catching many names during July, but seem to be making a slow comeback this week. What these huge recent sales prove is that the drop aftermarket system is working. End-users who are pro-active in protecting their brand by buying premium generic domain names for themselves can easily do so. Here is a list of public sales for 2018 so far:

  • – Drop – $100,000
  • – Drop – $50,000
  • – Netfleet – $28,710
  • (Two Letter) – DBR – $26,400 (waiting permission to publish)
  • – DBR – $24,200
  • – Drop – $10,000
  • ****** – DBR – $6,600 (waiting permission to publish)

Please let us know in the comments below, any sales you’re allowed to disclose. I’m aware of a number of five-figure sales by some well-known domain name investors, but don’t have permission to publish. Would be good to see some sales figures quoted below, if you’re allowed… Feel free to hide half the domain name if you need to…  

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Shane Moore

Cracking results yesterday.  I was keen on broker, brokers and advice, but I was well out of the game.  The same guy had all three previously.  I wonder what brought on the PD?

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