Sahil Gupta, CEO of Spase Inc, has been found guilty of attempting to steal a
John Swinson (WIPO Panelist) has found Mighty Men Pty Ltd, trading as "Opalshop", to have
The premium generic domain name is dropping due to, what looks like, someone making
It gives me a lot of satisfaction when I (as an everyday Australian businessman) can
auDA have replied to the domain complaint and have denied it stating the domain
Someone is trying to steal the generic geographic domain name
Have you ever thought to yourself, "What is the best way I can totally screw-up
Callaway Golf ($1.2 Billion Revenue per year) LOSE their auDRP Domain Name Complaint against my
Here's another example of a massive corporation attempting to hijack a domain name through the
If this isn't blatant attempted domain name thievery, I don't know what is... So why
Belong Energy have been ordered to transfer the domain names and to Telstra,
Rugby Australia LOSES COMPLAINT to grab - "The Panel considers that the Complainant was
Before someone who wants to own a particular domain name goes ahead and wastes their