cameron boardman auda ceo resigns

Cameron Boardman resigns as CEO of auDA

Late on Tuesday 30th July, 2019, auDA released the following public statement on their website:

The auDA Board today reluctantly accepted the resignation of auDA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cameron Boardman.

During his three years leading auDA, Mr Boardman achieved many goals, including:

i. The successful completion of the EOI and tender for the backend registry operator for .au;
ii. Leading the largest registry transition of a Top Level Domain in history (the Registry Transformation Project);
iii. A complete overhaul of auDA’s financial management, administrative processes and operations;
iv. Implementation of the Australian Government’s recommendations within the Review of the .au Domain Administration and compliance with the new Terms of Endorsement;
v. Development, negotiation and introduction of a new Constitution and governance arrangements for the company;
vi. Initiation and successful completion of the 2017 Policy Review Process;
vii. The development and implementation of new Licensing Rules for .au second-level domain names, and the introduction of direct registration of .au; and
viii. The development of a new brand identity associated with the largest marketing campaign of .au in the namespace’s history along with a new corporate brand for auDA.

“My three years with auDA has been very rewarding and it is time for me to seek new challenges”, Mr Boardman said. “The work has been done and the team is in place to ensure the business will run smoothly in this transitionary phase”.

“I am extremely proud of what I have been able to achieve. I came into this role to make .au better for all Australian internet users and to improve auDA as an organisation. With the help of my exceptional executive team, especially COO Bruce Tonkin and CFO James Shady, we have succeeded in making this happen.”

The process to select a replacement will commence immediately through the Board. Until that process is complete, auDA’s current executive team will collectively carry out the CEO’s responsibilities. This will ensure continuity and a seamless transition to a new CEO.

The executive team is highly reliable and experienced, and the Board is confident that they have the capability to execute all the plans the organisation currently has in the pipeline.

Mr Boardman leaves auDA in a financially sustainable and future-focused position for future growth. The Board would like to thank Mr Boardman for his services during these three years and appreciated his work on behalf of the organisation. The Board wishes him all the best the future.

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What a load of Bullshit and why just cut and paste the dribble from auDA’s press release as if it is legit?

Blair Cameron Boardman’s contract was NOT RENEWED. It was due to be resigned before August if they wanted to keep him and they did not want to.

Ask the real questions:

How much was Boardman paid as CEO of this “Not For Profit”?

What where his expenses while CEO?

What was his payout for leaving?

Did he receive any bonuses while CEO and why?

Why did auDA lose $millions in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019?

Why didn’t auDA go to open advertised tender for any of their highly paid Consultants many closely known to the CEO?

How much damage did he cause while CEO to the reputation of the .au namespace globally and to .au domain name investment and domain name values?

7 people like this.

Na na naa na. Na na naa na.
Hey heey hey.

Good bye.

3 people like this.
Jayel Cottons

auDA finally took a well deserved shit.

6 people like this.
Mary T.

Great News!

How did he ever get the auDA CEO job anyway?

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