auda auhq was supposed to drop yesterday.

The generic domain name was seemingly allowed to lapse by current owners, auDA (AU Domain Administration) and appeared on the daily domain name drop list yesterday.

However, for some strange reason, even though the domain name had bids on both the drop platforms, it didn’t drop.

One would think that any reasonable-thinking person would agree that the term “auHQ” is merely a shorter version of the generic term; “Australian Headquarters“, which could be used by thousands of Australian businesses.

This means surely anyone is allowed to bid to own this domain name?

WHOIS screenshot from 22-05-19

What’s even a little stranger is Netfleet displayed the following status for anyone who tried to win the domain name on their platform yesterday, “Pending (re-enter your bids tomorrow)“:

What exactly happened to stop this domain name from dropping yesterday?

As the WHOIS above clearly shows, it’s auDA themselves who currently own this domain name.

Nearly two years ago they stated: “A Board resolution to change auDA’s brand to auHQ will be put to members for their input.

I don’t believe that ever happened.

Perhaps they are finished using the domain name and it is still going to drop today?

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auDA CEO & Board wastes $millions on mismanagement!

Another example of auDA wasting hundreds of thousands of .au domain name registrant consumer funds!

It is great auDA Director James Deck put this on public record. He said this:

“you could probably assume that a previous board may have explored rebranding. Having rebranded our business recently, we registered a number of domains/names/marks as a speculative thing prior to making any decisions.”

The funny thing is the sham how auDA went about their trademark applications via the sneaky New Zealand Backdoor method.

Did auDA ever really plan to operate auHQ in New Zealand? More wasted money.

This is why the auDA board should have been sacked.

Their phony claimed-use trademarks for auHQ should be CANCELLED for non use.

auDA the Fake Not For Profit – No Transparency what they are doing!
auDA – No proper real Consultation!
auDA – No real Accountability!
auDA – Pissing away $million each year of auDA funds in avoidable expenses!

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Scott Long

What a waste of registrant money, $50K, $100k, $200K thrown carelessly around without any regard to the long standing brand developed over 18 years.

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I disagree. Everyone looks to rebrand at some stage. Those who have been around Australian domains for some time would likely know who the AUDA is but most of the population has probably never heard of them and that includes many who are current registrants. All of the commentary regarding the introduction of shorter .au domain names has brought them into the spotlight a little but they are pretty much invisible which is not want you want for a brand.

auDA sucks

auDA has not wanted to be in the spotlight. If they want their paying .au domain name Customers to know who they are all auDA has to do is simply allow Registrars and Resellers to show the auDA fee component of the .au domain name wholesale cost on all advertising and transactions.

For example when you buy a .com you see the ICANN name and their fee clearly.

The current auDA CEO and management wanted to try and rebrand after tarnishing auDA and getting themselves and auDA it into global media disrepute and forced into a government review.

The tactic was to try and get over the damage to the auDA brand they caused by rebranding then to pretend they where not a part of the old problems.

Who wants auDA wasting $millions to their own brand anyway? That is not their role or contract with Government and ICANN.

They need to cut their own costs and go back to basics not keep Fu##ing up the auDA finances and reputation by shocking mismanagement.

The auHQ farce was a clear case of a new CEO wanting to take over the organisation and put his own name to it, wasting $millions with 100% NO stakeholder input.

Typical Government poor employee mentality when it is someone else’s money to spend and waste. ( taxpayers / .au registrants).

Scott Long

I recall this entire RE-branding exercise was hidden from the public eye, it was discovered when the CEO (Boardman) wanted to build an in-house registry without due process. Long story short, It did not end well for that Chairman and a bunch of directors; afterward, It’s been going down hill, ever since the new Chair and his toys took over Sunnyside.

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