auda government review doca

auDA’s Government Review Deadline in Jeopardy

Yesterday, auDA’s Chair, Chris Leptos, resigned.

According to Domain Pulse;

“the sudden departure came about over a disagreement on governance issues with Leptos and CEO Cameron Boardman at loggerheads. The issue came to a head at a Board meeting earlier this week with Leptos abruptly leaving and then emailing a resignation shortly after.”

Today, the Nominations Committee was formed and independent Director, Suzanne Ewart is now serving as interim Chair at auDA, nine months after the new Constitution was adopted and nearly sixteen months after auDA received the Government Review recommendations.

It appears auDA are not getting the job done on time.

auDA’s CEO stated in April 2018:

CEO of auDA, Cameron Boardman, welcomed the report and said work had already begun on the implementation plan for reform.

The gears must turn really slowly over at auDA.

The Government Review stipulated that within 12 months a new board was to be reconstituted.


DOCA promised a new board by now, where is it?

Can someone please explain why we haven’t got a new board yet?

But what seems most concerning; where are all the members?


How diverse is the membership?

Are we close to meeting our target of 12,500 members?

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Scott Long

Its no wonder all these questions are asked, Transparency isn’t a childish game of hide and seek.

auDA is not passing governance reform timelines, and now the Chairman walked out the door without any public reason. Who does that? Especially when his job gets replaced via the new board transition anyway… it’s got to be the mother of all Governance issues, and yet, we all sit on the sidelines watching this soap opera play out. We should be focused on getting the best value out of domain names for people who choose to sell them, but it’s difficult when auDA Management are tarnishing the lure. I wish DoCA could put a stop to this bullshit and drain the swamp.

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Drain the expensive auDA MisManagement swamp.

Sack these incompetent auDA losers.

Maybe Leptos was sacked and his “Resignation” sent after he ran out of this weeks Board meeting while it was still going is more auDA Fake news bullshit PR spin?

Can anyone confirm?

Was it costing $200,000 to keep Leptos with remuneration and expenses?

Can anyone confirm?

Are .au Domain Name Consumers being ripped off?

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Apparently Leptos tried to remove the auDA CEO Blair Cameron Boardman at this weeks auDA Board meeting but instead Leptos got removed…

Good to see Adrian exposing them after he got burnt by them. Post more Adrian!

“Adrian Kinderis
‏ @AdrianKinderis
Jun 18

Even thick thieves wear thin on each other… eventually. Now get out of the way so the other egomaniacs can take their position on the silicon throne. ”

“Adrian Kinderis
‏ @AdrianKinderis
Jun 18

The @ceo_auda at @auDA has been sprouting to anyone that would listen that he and @chrisleptos weren’t seeing eye to eye. “Fucking the relationship with DoCA” is what he told one source. The only “mission accomplished” is that got rid of a chair that was no good.”

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This link appears to show a massive mistake was made by Mr Leptos when he told DOCA… “We remain concerned that the board observer, as described in your memorandum, may be considered a ‘shadow director’ under the Corporations Act.”